The Project
The idea is for the exhibition to carry on after its official closing day, continuing in the territories where the works of art are permanently housed. The project Terre di Lotto strives to serve as a driving force for works of safeguarding and valorization, attracting resources and attention to the artistic heritage in its permanent home.
The initiative, created on occasion of the anthological exhibition that the Scuderie del Quirinale has dedicated to Lorenzo Lotto, aims to leave a lasting mark of understanding, conservation and safeguarding of Lotto’s works in the three Italian regions that boast the greatest number of them: Marche, Lombardy and Veneto.
Terre di Lotto promoted a complex campaign of analysis and restoration of the Master’s works which –as the restoration catalogs show- intervened in some dramatic situations of deterioration; accompanied by innovative lighting design, which will illuminate the works upon their return ‘home’.
Terre di Lotto also facilitated the creation and promotion of permanent Lotto cultural itineraries, which will begin following the exhibition. These itineraries delve into the artistic, scenic, historical and culinary characteristics of the territories where Lotto’s works can be found. All of this is accompanied by a program of educational activities, events and inaugurations, discovering Lorenzo Lotto and a surprisingly little-known part of Italy
Lorenzo Lotto, Madonna con il Bambino e i santi Caterina d'Alessandria e Tommaso, 1528 - 1530
Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Gemäldegalerie - Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum [Zoom +]
Lorenzo Lotto, Annunciazione, 1534-1535
Recanati, Pinacoteca Civica, Villa Colloredo Mels - Pinacoteca civica, Recanati [Zoom +]
Lorenzo Lotto, Triplice ritratto di orefice, 1530 circa
Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Gemäldegalerie - Foto Austrian Archives/Scala, Firenze [Zoom +]
Lorenzo Lotto, Il Trionfo della Castità, 1530
Roma, Galleria Pallavicini - Photoservice Electa/anelli, Milano [Zoom +]
Lorenzo Lotto, Ritratto del vescovo Bernardo dé Rossi, 1505
Napoli, Museo di Capodimonte - © Photoservice Electa/Anelli - su concessione del Ministero per i beni e le Attività Culturali, Milano [Zoom +]
Lorenzo Lotto, Ritratto di Laura da Pola, 1543-1544
Milano, Pinacoteca di Brera [Zoom +]
Lorenzo Lotto, Ritratto di Gian Giacomo Stuer e suo figlio Gian Antonio, 1544
Philadelphia, museum of Art, Jhon G. Johnson Collections, 1917 [Zoom +]
Lorenzo Lotto, Nozze mistiche si Santa Caterina con il donatore Niccolò Bonghi
Bergamo, Accademia di Carrara - Accademia Carrara-GAMeC, Bergamo [Zoom +]
Lorenzo Lotto, Ritratto di Lucina Brembati, 1518 circa
Bergamo, Accademia di Carrara - Accademia Carrara-GAMeC, Bergamo [Zoom +]
Lorenzo Lotto, Ritratto di Andrea Odoni, 1527
Hampton Court, Collezioni reali [Zoom +]